Myofascial Cupping
For thousands of years cupping has been performed around the world for many different outcomes, There are Egyptian hieroglyphics that show clay pots being used for cupping. During the 18th century in Europe doctors utilized cupping for clearing congestion caused by colds, pneumonia, coughs, inflammation, swelling, and to relieve the pressure causing pain. Over time the "cups" for treatment were made from different materials; clay, horn, bamboo, and glass. Today Jennifer uses silicone and plastic cups, for their ability to adapt to the contours of the body.
The area to be treated is applied with an oil or lotion to assist with forming a seal, the air is removed from the cup via pump or pressure creating a suction. This suction forms a negative pressure creating a lift to the tissues. This lifting action on the tissues draws fluids towards the surface of the skin, plumping up and re-hydrating tissues that have become dense and hard. Cupping stimulates circulation, reduces rigidity, and softens contracted tissues providing relief for muscular aches, pain, and spasm.
Cups can be applied and used to create a gentle lifting or to anchor tissues while incorporating ranges of motion to help separate tissue layers, breaking down adhesions and scar tissue freeing the fascia to allow for more movement. this freeing up relieves tension, promoting flushing, draining, and healing.
There is the potential for discolouration marks on the skin with cupping, the different discolourations with cupping can mean different things for the body, these are not bruises but typically the darker the area the more stagnant blood or chi was in that area. With cupping the more often you have it done the less discolouration that occurs because there is less stagnant blood and metabolic waste.

Beneficial for
Scar tissue
Restless legs and General Stress
Back and Neck pain
TMJ symptoms
Sinus congestion
Frozen Shoulder
Rotator cuff Pain/ Injuries
Sports injuries and Maintenance work
Tight IT Band, Quadriceps, Hamstrings, or calves.
Knee discomfort
Lymphedema Post Surgery
Poor Circulation
Constipation and Digestive issues